Welcome To HerBibleStudies.com


Study God’s Word to gain a deeper understanding of Who God is and Who He wants to be to us through His Son Jesus.


Grow through in-depth knowledge of the Word of God. Grow spiritually, in obedience, and intimacy with Christ.




It is only when we apply the principles, teachings, and understanding of God’s Word to our lives that we become more and more transformed into the Character of Christ .




Sharing our faith with others and the Gospel of Jesus Christ is what we are commanded to do by God. But we can only share what we know, therefore studying, growing, and applying God’s Words is how we gain the knowledge we need to share our faith with others.

HerBibleStudies.com (HBS)

HerBibleStudies.com is a ministry of HerFaithVillage.com a non-denominational Christian based organization for women, youth, and community. HerBibleStudies.com are Bible studies written for self-guided, provide virtual, live-online, small and large group study. Study members engage and experience life changing, spirit impacting study of “God’s Word applied to everyday life.”

The purpose of this site is to provide study resources to help immerse ourselves in God’s Word; to provide video guidance for virtual Bible study; to provide study resources for the live Zoom study members; and to provide information and resources for Bible study leaders.


HBS Gatherings


HBS Gatherings are offered, hosted, and monitored by our founder Shelle Frelo. HBS Gatherers meet once a week online for live Bible Study on Zoom. They recap the lesson, discuss what God reveal, and receive a message from Shelle.

HBS -Self-Guided study


HBS -Self-Guided study offers Bible study for women who prefer to go it alone; use these materials to help guide your personal study of God’s Word. Though it is not recommended, HBS does understand that sometimes situations, circumstances and lifestyles may cause a study member to have to go it alone. Even in self-guided study we are here for you. Questions are answered and comments are made via the self-guided study portal.

HBS -Virtual Gather’s


HBS -Virtual Gather’s offers busy women with hectic schedules, and women who are unable to participate in HBS Gatherings the opportunity study God’s Word, at a time that fits their schedule. Virtual Gather’s follow the lessons led by our founder Shelle Frelo, these lessons are delivered via video and/or audio message. Gather’s use the study book to assist in guiding them through the virtual study. Questions are answered and comments are made via the virtual gatherer’s portal.

Group Bible Study



Group Bible Study:  HerBibleStudies.com offers small groups, churches, large groups, and in-home studies materials for Bible Study Leaders and their study participants to guide their group through impactful, applicational, in-depth study of God’s Word.

HerBibleStudies YouTube Channel

HerBibleStudies.com YouTube channel. Our channel is designed to keep our attends updated on the studies, and to provide our self-guided study members with video guides for Bible study lessons.

HerBibleStudies Private Facebook Groups

HerBibleStudies Private Facebook groups are open to active members of HBS’s Bible study community.

"And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise."

Deuteronomy 6:6-7 ESV

"All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work."

2 Timothy 3:16-17 ESV

"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."

Psalm 119:105 ESV

Featured Study

HBS upcoming study

In Book 3 of our series, we will begin to understand and appreciate our ‘Womanhood’, with its flaws and its blessings, and its struggles. We will dare to ask the question is womanhood a divine appointment or a self-imposed curse. We will follow the journey of womanhood wherever the Holy Spirit takes us and come out on the other side with a better appreciation, knowledge, and revelation of this creation called WOMAN. Book 3: ‘Her Womanhood’ is all about thriving in our faith. We will examine how to live a sustaining, empowering, and stabilizing faith through the Word of God. Book 3 helps us come to terms with those taboo subjects that we all struggle with but few of us in the church discuss.

Chapter Titles
Session 1….. Women of Bible: A Divine Appointment or Self Imposed Curse
Session 2….. Balance Spirit /Life Balance
Session 3….. Emotions-Being Led by or In control Of
Session 4….. Brokenness Understanding, confronting and conquering ‘The Broken Spirit’
Session 5….. She Ages Aging in wisdom, grace, faith, and mindset
Session 6….. Personal Discipline: self-discipline through the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit
Session 7….. Her Sisterhood: Building – Maintaining – Deepening God Glorifying Friendships/Sisterhoods
Session 8….. Sex & Her Womanhood: Understanding Sex, its impact, and more on a woman’s life.

How To Get Started


Online | Small Group | Live Zoom | Self Guided

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HerBibleStudies.com’s (HBS) is absolutely FREE. No membership fee, no participation fee, no fees at all. The only catch is you have to sign-up and purchase the study book.

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