“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path”
-Psalm 119:105 ESV
About HBS
HerBibleStudies.com in a nutshell:
HerBibleStudies.com is a nondenominational Christian Bible study for beginners, women returning to the study of God’s Word, and those that have been engaging in lifelong Bible study. HBS offers understanding of God’s Word, insight to the Word of God, and application of God Word. We also offer a place of fellowship, and a safe place to cry, laugh, grow, and deepen understand of our faith. Join an HBS study today!
HBS’s foundation scripture:
“Everything in the Scriptures is God’s Word. All of it is useful for teaching and helping people and for correcting them and showing them how to live. The Scriptures train God’s servants to do all kinds of good deeds.” – 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (CEV)
Who We Are:
HerBibleStudies.com is a ministry of HerFaithVillage.com a non-denominational Christian based organization for women, youth, and community. HerBibleStudies.com are Bible studies written for individual, online, small and large group study. Study members laugh, cry, and experience life changing, spirit impacting study through the Word of God applied to everyday life.
HerBibleStudies.com (HBS) is a ministry of HerFaithVillage.com a non-denominational Christian based organization for women, youth, and community. HerBibleStudies.com are Bible studies written for individual, online, small, and large group study. Study members laugh, cry, and experience life changing, spirit impacting study through God’s Word Applied To Everyday Life.
HBS shares God’s Word with women in an open, franc, and candid way, that both challenges and inspires women to live more intimate lives for Christ Jesus, while offering biblical solutions through the Word of God.
HBS studies are here to help Christian and non-Christian women of all denominations, ethnic groups, economic levels, backgrounds, worship styles, and ages to understand and embrace, the Word of God. We aim to do this by not just studying the Word of God but by helping women to apply what they read to their lives: James 1:22 22 “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.”
Our studies tackle topics from the taboo to the headlines, from Christian life and the church to our bedrooms and everything in between. It is our hope that you will begin your HerBibleStudies.com study today and learn, grow, share, and apply God’s Word to your everyday life.
What Should I Expect:
- Expect for the Holy Spirit to speak to your spirit.
- Expect to have real fellowship.
- Expect to participate in prayer.
- Expect to share.
- Expect that each lesson is led by Shelle but guided by the Holy Spirit.
What Type Of Bible Studies Does HBS Offer?
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