HerBibleStudies.com offers 4 types of study

(Online Live Bible Studies)
Hosted & Taught By Shelle Frelo
HBS Gatherings
HBS Gatherings are absolutely FREE. No membership fee, no participation fee, no fees at all. Gatherers meet each week on Thursdays online at 5:30pm via Zoom. The benefit from meeting online is you get to attend a live Bible study from the comfort of your own home.
(Study At Your Own Pace)
HBS Self-Guided Study
If weekly Bible study is too much at the moment you are welcomed to sign up for HBS’s monthly self-guided study. Though self-guided study is not recommended, because we learn more through the fellowship and input of other Believers. HBS does understand that sometimes situations, circumstances and lifestyles may cause a study member to have to go it alone.

(Guided Bible Study)
Taught By Shelle Frelo
HBS – Virtual Gatherings
HBS – Virtual Gatherings through pre-recorded conversational devotional style teachings from Shelle Frelo our founder. These teaching walk you through topical studies.
(In Home-Church-Ministries)
Hosted & Taught By Study Leaders
Group Bible Study
This is designed for leaders that utilize HBS’s study materials. Our study materials offer small groups, churches, large groups, and in-home study leaders’ materials to help teach in-depth study of God’s Word.

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Her Gatherings
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